Thursday, February 12, 2009

Globalization & Emerging Technologies

Interrelationships between globalization & DE (p. 649)
  • "Globalization implies that most people, if not all, are connected more or less contemporaneously with distant events, sometimes whether they like it or not. This 'time-space compression (Giddens, 1994, p.7) is not just limited to communications and transport, but also to economic activity. The social and cultural implications...are intimately connected." (Evans, 1997, p. 18)
  • The human experience is altering fundamentally within a globalizing world because of: a. the speed and interactivity of new communications media; b. the fusion of cultural conditions
The tensions between globalization and the ways of living and learning

3 generations of DE technologies (p. 652)
  1. "Correspondence Ed."
  2. Aduiovisual media (radio & TV)
  3. Computer-based communications technologies

Evans, T., & Nation, D. (2007). Globalization and emerging technologies. In M. G. Moore (Ed.), Handbook of distance education (2nd ed., pp. 649-659). Mahwah, NJ. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

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