Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Assessment and Learning Styles

Recently I was reading A Model for Comprehensive Assessment in the
College Classroom (Mueller, Waters, Smeaton, & Pinciotti, 2009) which consists of 5 steps including (1) determine the purpose of the assessment (diagnostic, formative, and summative), (2) match assessments to outcomes and level of thinking, (3) determine the class demographics, (4) choose the assessment method, and (5) determine the scoring tool.

Step (3) include a variety of elements based on students' learning styles. A most popular application of learning styles in classroom was Dunn and Dunn Learning Style Preference Survey (Dunn, Dunn & Price, 1991), which provided information for students and professors about individual and class learning style needs. Also came to my mind are David Kolb's model (Converger, Diverger, Assimilator and Acommodator), Honey and Mummford's model (Activist, Reflector, Theorist, and Pragmatist), and Myers-Briggs Types Indicator. I remember I did my first MBTI test 5 years ago (which cost me 15 bucks) and was rated "Extraverted Feeling with Sensing" (ESFJ) - sociable, cooperative, tactful, practical, realistic, down-to-earth, decisive, thorough, organized, orderly, and consistent. Liked it!:)

Am I an acommodator/pragmatist?

 Sound Instruction - Ready to Use Classroom Practice

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